GBDF Membership information for 2025
The GBDF membership fee for 2025 is £21.00 as set at the Special General Meeting held on 25 September 2023.

Please pay this fee to the Great Britain Diving Federation account (sort code: 20-06-09, account number: 40557838).
And scan the QR code below or click here to complete the Membership Application Form

What’s in it for me - why join the GBDF?

Anyone looking at the GBDF, is probably going to be looking at the events that we host and wishing to attend. The fact is that everyone, member or non-member, has to contribute to membership fees. Any organisation, however small, has annual overheads to meet, involving issues of insurance, regulatory matters etc.

GBDF annual overheads are covered through either the membership fees paid to be an actual member of GBDF or, the non-member fee you pay in order to still be able to attend an event. So, one way or another, those fees get paid for attendance at an event. So, you may as well be a ‘fully fledged' member.

Own your membership and be proud! 😊

Importantly, as a member of GBDF you ‘belong’. When you progress to attending international events, there is a sense of togetherness that cannot be beat amongst the divers from clubs all around the UK. As far as GBDF members are concerned, we are diving for Great Britain when we are aboard.

The other advantage of being a member, over non-member, is that (with your permission) we hold your contact details and you will always receive a direct email and be one of the first to know about GBDF events, sign up for socials and other news.

Moreover, every year, GBDF holds its Annual General Meeting. If you are a GBDF member, you will be entitled to ‘attend’ (it is a virtual meeting these days). You will be entitled to hear from the Directors with their annual reports and entitled vote on matters important to GBDF.